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Marriage Ceremony format examples.

Below you will find two examples of marriage ceremonies.

These are examples only and your ceremony will be specifically tailored to your needs and requirements.


Marriage Ceremony 1

Family and friends of……… and ……., welcome.

Today we have come together to witness and celebrate their marriage.

To share with them in their happiness and dreams for the future.

Marriage- a state conceived with love, occasioned with joy , and honoured and renewed by each man and woman who pledge their trust to one another.

It is not therefore to be entered lightly, but with discretion and respect for its responsibilities , as well as with praise and delight for its bountiful gifts. This celebration is the outward token of an inward union of hearts which was created by ….. and ……. With a loving purpose, and will be kept by an abiding will.

So it is for us to acknowledge the true marriage which already exists in them.

I would like to read to you an extract from St Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians .

“ I may be able to speak the languages of men and even of angels but if I have no love , my speech is no more than a noisy gong or clanging bell. Love is patient and kind. It is not jealous or conceited or proud. Love is not ill- mannered or selfish or irritable. Love does not keep a record of wrongs. Love is not happy with evil but is happy with truth .Love never gives up and it’s faith , hope and patience never fail. Always remember love is eternal.”

…….. and ……. believe marriage is founded on love, trust and working towards common goals, whilst respecting each other’s individuality, to share dreams, longings and memories.

Their commitment today is made knowing each other’s strengths and weakness and loving each other for them both. They accept over time they will change , but not the commitment  they make today for a loving enduring relationship.

I will now ask…… to give a reading



Now in the presence of this gathering I will ask you both to state your intentions.

………, sharing with………a relationship of love , tenderness, fun and laughter, will you stand by her for all tomorrows, respecting her as a person , her individuality, her needs, her changes and enjoying her love through all your life together ?






………, sharing with …….a relationship of love,tenderness,  fun and laughter , will you stand by him for all tomorrows , respecting him as a person, his individuality, his needs, his changes and enjoying his love through all your life together ?






Who gives ……. To …………… in Marriage ?





Since it is your intention to enter into marriage please join your right hands ( and declare your consent)



I……….ask you…….. to be my legal wife

I will love you,

respect you,

comfort and care for you,

as our relationship grows.



I……..ask you………to be my legal husband.

I will love you,

respect you,

comfort and care for you, as our relationship grows.



…..what symbols do you offer of this Marriage ?

The circle of the ring is as love freely given.

It has no beginning or end.

A love that will endure.



……I promise to be with you and for you. To share my life , my feelings, my hopes

And my experiences with you , and to love you.

I give this ring as a symbol of my promise.



…….I promise to be with you and for you . to share my life , my feelings, my hopes

And my experiences with you, and to love you.

I give you this ring as a symbol of my promise.



Now by the powers vested in me as a marriage celebrant appointed under the laws of New Zealand, I declare you to be lawfully married and pronounce you husband and wife.

You may now kiss the bride !


Sign Register

. Readings

. Song

. Music



This now completes the formal part of the ceremony . I’d like to present to you Mr and Mrs………


Marriage Ceremony 2

We have come together to witness and celebrate the marriage of ……and ……… Marriage is a gift of creation and intends that the husband and the wife should be united in heart, body and mind and find in their union the fulfilment of their love for each other, and the stability necessary for family life and the care of children. Marriage, therefore , involves a serious and lifelong commitment in mutual love and joy to seek each other’s good union of strength , sympathy and delight.

…..and ……. We rejoice with you, we are honoured to join with you in the celebration of your marriage, to witness your vows to one another and to wish you joy and support in your journey together as husband and wife.



Who gives….to be married to ……?






……, do you wish to marry…..?






Will you love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health, and be faithful to her ,as long as you both shall live ?






……., do you wish to marry……?






Will you love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health , and be faithful to him , as long as you both shall live ?






Today I promise you my love without any limits, to accept the things you believe in and to always try to understand you, to be near you whenever you need me.

I will trust in your love for me and pray/hope that it grows stronger every day. To watch our love grow together through the years .

I promise to soothe your mind and body , plan with you, dream with you, to do my best to show how much I love you, for you have become my world, my heart , my life.

The future is ours…….always.



Today I promise you my love without any limits, to accept the things you believe in and to always try to understand you, to be near you whenever you need me.

I will trust in your love for me and pray/hope that it grows stronger every day. To watch our love grow together through the years .

I promise to soothe your mind and body, plan with you, dream with you, to do my best to show how much I love you, for you have become my world, my heart , my life.

The future is ours…….always.



……., with this ring I wed you, with my body I honour you, and all my worldly goods I share with you.



….., with this ring I wed you , with my body I honour you, and all my worldly goods I share with you .



Family, friends and invited guests, ………and ……..have declared before us all that they will live together in marriage.

They have made special promises to each other.

They have symbolised it by joining hands, taking vows and by exchanging rings ( OR… a ring )

So therefore , on your behalf of the community, I now declare them to be husband and wife.


Signing of Register

  • Reading

  • Music



Ladies and Gentlemen I now present to you Mr and Mrs……

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